If you have teenage children, we are as parents should be wiser in responding to children desire about various things in their room. You do not need to force your taste to your child, because it will make them not feel at home in their rooms. Here are some examples of teen room designs that you can emulate or inspire your child to arrange their room.
Room for Girls: Girl’s room hasn’t to be colored pink. Other colors can be used to add the room nuance. Purple is an alternative option than pink, because this color is a cool color that still looks bright and feel comfortable. But if your princess still like pink color, probably it could be applied to several ornaments. For example, on one of walls or furniture color.
Narrow Room: If you are only able to provide room for your teen with the room size is not too large, then you do not be worried because it can be surmounted by designing furniture becomes multi-functions. Example, making under the bed as a storage rack, then you could also create a bookshelf on wall, so it does not reduce the room area. Then you also can design the desk without legs, so the seat can move more freely. Another thing you need to consider is do not give the dark color teenager’s room that has narrow room because it will refine their room atmosphere.
Room for Boys: Boy’s room usually makes us as parents are often confused because it would be more often messy than neat. Thus try a simple furniture only and does not need too much, because they will enter their own items they need. So do not let their room becomes the warehouse. Their color selection is usually more assertive, if red, of course pure red, if blue, of course pure blue.
Double Teen Room: Due to limited space, we provide a room for two. Despite having to share with brother or sister, define clearly the region (territory) boundaries each child. Stratified bed model could be one option in small space. Select a color, bed linen motif, pillows and accessories in accordance with their wishes. Small ladder can be used as an instrument to play. But, make sure no harm for the child. Provide a large study table to be shared.
Classic Teen Room: Perhaps, there are your son and daughter who love the classic style. It’s not problem to apply it for their room. The important thing, the furniture form might be classical but the color still cheerful.

Minimalist Teen Room: If anyone who likes classical, of course part of them like minimalist. Usually teenager who likes designing bedroom interior with minimalist style because nuanced practical and clean impression. The minimalist space style is usually not too many colors that stand out and tend to be monochrome. Furniture was simple, not a lot of odd trinkets.