Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Luxury and Fantastic Novotel Designed Natural Living

Attractive Novotel Design Ideas 
In history, Palembang is the capital of Buddhist kingdom, Srivijaya, one of the major port in ancient time, before the Musi river becomes shallow. From the historical, the architect who designed Palembang Novotel building attempted to describe the glory of the past in this building design.
Elegant Novotel Design Inspiration 
“We are willing to experiment with the cultural nuance of ancient time, by arranging 98 gigantic stones that each measuring on average 4.8 mx4, 8mx12m, becomes a monumental park that match with the scale and the golden age grandeur of the kingdom, Srivijaya,” said The Developer.
Great Novotel Design Concept 
Round-shaped garden, measuring 98 meters in diameter. It is a luxury for Palembang residents for swimming and recreation. Gigantic stones around this park contains the bathrooms that windowless on the outside, on top of it planted red dadap tree. As if the bedrooms in the hotel occupies vacant lands between the gigantic stones; large balconies placed in front of 138 hotel rooms and 44 apartments, it is the desired resort. “Powerful simplicity” of stone pillars combined with wood horizontal stripes on the “railing” corridor and balcony. Palembang brilliant colors such as Yellow and Red to “highlight” on the exterior and interior composition in this hotel.


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